随着亚洲DNA (杂志小量 “Ë”)
四代前, 的家族基因 玛丽Souli 与进行嫁接 亚洲克隆.
今天, 她是切尔旅游行政总裁, 在亚洲旅行希腊最大的旅行社.
在 23 玛丽Souli的研究过公共关系和营销在英格兰南部, 他在一个大的船公司,并担任了一段时间 23 出售她的两个父亲的复式创造了旅行社«大陆Enterprices链接 “(CEL), 并开始对付他们知道做什么最好: 租游艇和销售游轮.
在第一个月设法填补只有一个游轮 (500 人) 然后倒在困难的组织郊游 550 “阿索斯山修道院之友” (共产党还没有那么) 南斯拉夫.
周围 1986 he organized a trip to Asia for 550 employees of the trade, those were thrilled and the return began to spread. Pyknwsan customers and the 1989 did her personal revolution sending Greeks to Phuket of Thailand, at a time when traveling under the exhausted triangle Bangkok-Pattaya-Singapore.
Something like this … “it was colonized by the Greeks” 泰国, “该” created two separate travel agents in Thailand (Bangkok and Phuket) listed today among the 10 largest in Thailand, and in 1999 was born the upscale restaurant “Piereside”, located in the more secular area of Bangkok, next to the river and the most luxurious hotels, employs 70 people and is considered one of the best and more of Bangkok for seafood.
In between the m. Souli he met the Dalai Lama and f. Castle, awarded by two Thai Prime Ministers and the Chinese State and since 2000 is the official tourism Ambassador of India.
Today Mary Souli is ceo of a travel group with five subsidiaries worldwide: two in Greece (该, 惊人), two in Thailand (Marvin, 该) and one in Cuba.
The total turnover up to 23.4 百万. Euro or 8 billion. Drs. (60% of the foreign subsidiaries) and is the largest travel agency in Greece for trips to Southeast Asia, 中国, 印度, 西藏和古巴.
30 多年来,我们现在提供前往目的地的独特 , 节日 , 放松和异国情调的婚礼旅行 , 个别和集体中最便宜的价格!