至 www.greecel.gr ( “website”) 是一个旅游门户网站, 所有权与经营权CEL TOURS SA ( “Cel Tours ”), 有限责任公司在Solonos根据希腊法律操作 45 雅典 10672
通过网站, 在切尔之旅为游客提供 ( “You ”) 有关目标的信息, 价格, 可用性和预订机票, 酒店, 航班, 船票, 租赁汽车等全球旅行服务 ( “Services”). 该服务是供应商 ( “Suppliers”).
使用条件 ( “Terms of Use”) 的条款和条件的切尔之旅将为您提供服务,通过网站. 除了使用条款,并根据不同的服务选择, 您可能需要阅读并接受服务的相关条款 ( “Terms and Conditions”), 其续约 / 在切尔旅游的修饰可以定期进行. 参与的条件下可使用条件的一部分,在使用条款和参与条件之间破裂的情况下,, 使用条款为准.
使用本网站的全面情况和anepifylachtis接受使用条款和入学条件公布在网站上向您提供. 为了避免进一步的误会澄清,你同意和完全,无条件地承认参与的条款和条件,该网站的访问. 如果您有任何理由不与义务的条款达成一致, 那么你不应该访问的网站.
也, 供应商可以包括条件, 指导和政策适用于每个服务 (如机票, 酒店预订, 包等). 知识和遵守这些要求, 指令和选择供应商的政策, 是必不可少的. 如果使用和成员条件的条件和制造商的指示之间破裂, 以本办法为准.
对CEL旅游有权拒绝通过网站的任何应用程序,而无需列举原因的权利. 不提供任何服务,除非缴足.
要切尔旅游有权修改为参与的条款和条件的权利. 客人可以定期访问该网站,以保持知情任何变化.
严禁为商业目的的销售和开发的网站通过本所提供的任何服务的任何部分. 为了避免误解, 明确规定,该网站是用于商业用途纯粹是为了个人使用,不提供.
严禁修改, 复制, 分发, 发送, 显示, 介绍, 复制, 发布, 转让, 出售或租赁的任何信息, 软件, 产品或服务从网站导出. 该网站的部分复制和拷贝的内容是允许提供的名称切尔之旅引为源.
免责声明保证 / 责任限制
^ h切尔之旅努力确保该网站上的所有信息是正确的, 但并不保证或质量, 准确性或完整性网址中的任何数据类型的信息. ^ h切尔之旅没有给出直接或间接担保有关网站及其内容,并声明其服务能力和市场保证, 包括赔偿要求,直接或间接通过网站使用信息.
一旦切尔旅游充当中介, 承担由供应商提供的供应商和服务水平访问者之间的协议的任何部分不承担任何责任. 在任何情况下切尔之旅将不会被追究责任由供应商提供的服务.
尽管切尔旅游作出努力,以确保描述和使用条款内容, 站点中的每个部分的参与并且术语是正确, 不负责因人为错误或由访问者错误信息遭受的直接或间接的损害所做的更改. 此外切尔旅游是互联网服务提供商和无法控制的基础上搭载的供应商信息块切换到已发布的说明.
对CEL之旅并不保证网站上的任何广告以任何方式. 请客人检查的信息,广告主发布的精度.
通过不同的目的地提供旅游服务, 在切尔之旅不声明或保证前往这些目的地并不涉及风险和不承担责任的任何损害的破坏所造成的旅行目的地等.
在任何情况下切尔旅游不承担任何直接, 间接, 惩罚性, 附带的, 特别, 间接损害是由于: (一个) 使用的服务的使用或无法 (b) 供给替代货物和服务的费用 ( C) 未经授权的访问转换传输或访问者数据 (ð) 任何其他问题与symperalamvanomenou做服务, 毫无例外, 损坏和数据损失和引起的或与本网站的使用或性能提升.
^ h切尔之旅不负责的延误或无法使用本网站或相关服务, 或未能提供服务, 信息, 软件, 产品和相关的图形通过网站或使用本网站, 无论是基于合同, 侵权 , 疏忽, 严格责任或其他. 此外切尔之旅将不会对因技术原因或因任何原因,该切尔旅游不能控制可能出现的定期维护期间或访问的计划外悬挂网站的可用性负责. 客人认识并同意,任何材料或数据下载或获得通过网站, 是全权负责,并完全承担丢失数据上传到自己的计算机损坏的风险.
这些限制, 免责声明和保证申请所引起的任何损失 (一个) 违反合约, (b) 违反担保, (C) 疏忽或 (ð) 任何其他原因导致的程度,这种限制是违宪.
在切尔旅游对通过该网站所提供的服务的一部分,最大的覆盖范围仅限于总量由客人的取消及其他相关费用外发生支付退款. 在任何情况下,覆盖范围不包括间接损失, 损害或费用支出.
Links to Websites “third”
本网站可能含有链接 (链接) to “third parties” 网站. 这些网站是不是控制或切尔旅游网站下和切尔旅游不对其内容负责, 它们各自的环节和的变化而变化,在在内容时代. H Cel Tours is not responsible for any data transmitted to you by the website “third parties”. The Cel Tours provides these links for the convenience of hotel guests and providing the link does not in any way mean the representation of the website “third parties” 由切尔旅游或网站. 也, 任何状况之下, does not mean that the Cel Tours has legal or other ties with the managers of the site owners “third parties”.
^ h切尔之旅是不负责的任何错误, 遗漏, distortions in the “third” 网站. H Cel Tours does not endorse any advertiser websites on “third” 以任何方式.
一种使用本网站的前提条件是,来电者保证它不会在一个方式是非法的,根据希腊法律违宪使用本网站的参与和使用条款. 也, 该网站不应该以损害的方式使用, 禁用, 覆, 弱化插入网站的其他用户的享受. 游客应避免收购的方式不能从网站数据.
The website may contain services like “email”, “聊天”, “公告牌服务”, 涉及到各旅游目的地的信息, “论坛”, “新闻组”, “社区”, “个人网页”, “calendars” 这是所谓的通信业务. 访问者同意只使用此类服务发布, 发送和接收恰当及相关通信服务,信息和材料. 访问者同意使用不属于通信服务:
(一个) 诽谤, 滥用, 骚扰, 欺凌和一般侵犯他人的合法权益
(乙) 发布, 显示, 上载, 分发, 散布任何不当, 粗俗, 诽谤的, 猥亵, 非法的主题, 名称, 材料信息.
(C) 加载软件或任何其他材料,除非他拥有或控制的权利或已得到所有必要的同意受知识产权法保护.
(ð) 荷载分散病毒, 危险的文件或任何类似的软件程序,那么你可能会损害网站, 其他游客的电脑
(Ë) 通告要约出售或购买用于商业目的的商品或服务,除非切尔旅游已书面授权这样做.
(F) 进行调查, 比赛, 传销
(G) 载已经由其他用户上传和的量,好的是或通常会意识到,他们可以不以任何方式被分布文件.
(H) 伪造作者删除回报, 合法或任何其它注释, 专有标志, 起源或任何其他材料的标签被装载在网站上.
(一世) 违反行为或其他准则的任何代码, 适用于通信服务
(一世) 违反目前希腊的法律框架
(ķ) 违反参展条款, 使用条款或适用于本网站的任何其他规例.
^ h切尔之旅也没有义务监控通信服务. 虽然, CEL之旅有一个已经发布修改材料的权利,并删除它,如果适当. 对CEL旅游保留在任何时候停止接触到一些或所有通信服务的客人,恕不另行通知.
对CEL之旅有透露任何必要的信息,以满足或遵守任何适用法律的权利, 法律程序或政府要求, 或修改, 拒绝或如有必要,删除任何信息或资料.
对CEL之旅并不控制或认可的内容, 消息或信息通信服务中,因此切尔之旅专为否定通信的任何责任或对他们有任何影响或访问者参与.
可以在通信服务被加载的材料可能会受到使用限制, 复制或分发. 客人必须被告知这些限制.
对CEL旅游保留权利, 随时, 终止,恕不另行通知访问网站及相关服务.
对CEL旅游保留收取出版费用为某些出版物的权利, 以及为特定交易交易费用已完成. ^ h切尔旅游保留更改结算利率,恕不另行通知.
参观者必须支付所有的相关费用, 费用, 花费, 税, 在服务切尔旅游关税
关于使用本网站的, 游客代表,确认了 18 年,出现了拒绝访问希腊法律或其他适用法规的网站
(一个) all necessary equipment including computer and modem
(乙) access to the Internet. Visitors have the responsibility of using the internet and whatever costs may be covered only by him.
The visitor understands that the services may include information from Cel Tours as announcements and messages on the address. The visitor understands and agrees that communications are “as is” and no liability Cel Tours has deletion, non-delivery or failure to store the message or personal modifications of the visitor.
Registration on site is optional. If a visitor choose to register on the website, at the end of registration, you will receive a user ID and access. The visitor agrees and shall at all times be responsible for the confidentiality of user passwords and access and will be fully responsible for any activity or transaction carried out with the use of these codes. 也, the visitor undertakes not to use codes other visitors for any reason even if they have consent from the other guests.
You are responsible for the security codes for all transactions made using these codes. 确认你的信用卡或银行账户的授权的拥有者,您使用的服务费从网站. 对CEL之旅是不承担任何经济损失, 不便的痛苦和折磨,从使用不当导致的码使用 / 访问代码 / 信用卡 / 可以用于将CEL旅游服务的银行帐户资料.
Ø访问者同意立即通知切尔旅游对于任何未经授权使用的用户名和密码,并确认该网站的用户到期后离开系统 (注销). H Cel Tours will not be held responsible for any direct or indirect loss or damage caused to the visitor from failure to comply with the above requirements.
The visitor is required to (一个) provide true, accurate and complete information about themselves and their beneficiaries as referred to in the registration form (b) update and maintain the registration information true, accurate and complete. If the visitor give false, inaccurate and incomplete data or Cel Tours has reasonable suspicion that the data is false, inaccurate or incomplete then Cel Tours reserves the right to suspend or terminate the registration of the visitor and to prohibit any access the website, present or future.
Also here the visitor authorizes the Cel Tours to disclose to third parties the registration information to complete it services has himself chosen.
The Cel Tours reserves the right to restrict the access of visitors, terminate its publications, to warn other visitors to the effect of, suspend or immediately terminate the written, to prohibit access to the site if and when:
(一个) the visitor has violated the terms of use and participation
(乙) the Cel Tours unable to check or validate any information provided by the visitor
(C) the Cel Tours considers the user’s actions may violate the rights of other visitors or any applicable legal provision.
The Cel Tours may at any time remove the restrictions if he finds appropriate. Once the Cel Tours has limited the stay to a visitor activity, he can not attempt to rewrite the site until Cel Tours lift these restrictions. If the visitor violates the above, Cel Tours entitled to recover balances and amounts outstanding from the side and to bring further legal proceedings if she considers appropriate.
The Cel Tours can provide the visitor with content such as sound, photographs, graphics, video and other material that may be contained in sponsor advertisements. This material may be protected by copyright laws, trademark and copyright Visitors can use this material only with official authorization from Cel Tours and must not copy, transmit or create derivative material without the written authorization and consent the Cel Tours.
O visitor acknowledges and agrees that it can not load, 显示, reproduce or distribute any content to the website than that protected by intellectual property laws and without the written consent of the owner. The unauthorized submission or distribution of material that is protected by intellectual property laws is illegal and subject to prosecution.
All benefits, notes, rights and obligations contained in the terms of use and participation indicate a relationship between the visitor and the Cel Tours and in no way means that neither side bind or act as agent of the other. It is worth noting of course that if the sound authorizing Cel Tours and agents in order to obtain the required information, then the visitor undertakes that has appointed Cel Tours and agents as agent for this purpose.
The titles and subtitles are included for convenience and identification only and are not intended to describe, translate, define the limit the scope, extent or intent of the terms of use and participation and the right use of the site by the visitor.
Interpretation of numbers and genera
The terms of use and participation apply equally and for the singular to the plural degree.
来访者同意赔偿, 保卫和损失保持不朽的切尔之旅, 赔偿, 成本和费用 (包括律师费和利息) 针对切尔旅游和从任何表示的违反或不性能得到, 保证, 合同, 根据使用和参与的条款协议或访客的义务.
如果使用或参与的条款的任何部分在全部或部分无效, whether or not power has to do with the particular section and only the remaining part of the terms will be in full effect.
Termination of agreement and service
Whether Cel Tours or the visitor may terminate the terms of use and participation and a service without cause at any time.
The visitor agrees that Cel Tours may under certain circumstances and without notice, terminate the use of passwords and access. Causes may be a violation of the use and conditions of participation of the visitor, governmental request, 从相同的请求访问者, 从访问者使用的服务所欠费用.
操作条件可以由访问者或通过书面注意到切尔游到另一侧被终止. 如果访客是相反的一些设置了在使用和参与的条款,条款和条件, 或不满意以任何方式服务, 它可能 (一个) 停止使用该网站的 / 服务 (b) 通知切尔之旅结束.
在终止服务, the visitor does not have permission to use the website and its services. The Cel Tours is not bound to perform any of the obligations of unfinished visitor and will delete all the data that was saved by a visitor to the website.
All notes and updates (including those relating to the terms of use and participation, services, end services) must be in writing in Greek and will be deemed to have been received if delivered personally sent by mail registered mail or by courier or by email ( 电子邮件) or by fax to the following address
(一个) if the recipient is the Cel Tours then in email enquiries@cel.gr or address listed on the website
(乙) if the recipient is someone who has done or is not registered, then the email indicated on the registration form of Cel Tours.
Applicable law-Jurisdiction
The contract between the guest and the Cel Tours governed by Greek law. 完全胜任,可能从本合同产生的任何争议是雅典的法院.