Наши Травел Авардс

Cooperation Award from the international chain hotels Sofitel Luxury Hotels Asia-Pacific as one of the best Oparator in Europe for Tour of Cel’s activities Tours in Asia 2005-2010.

Госпођа. Мери Соулис-Кафкиос, Директор Тоурс, Недавно је постао амбасадор туризма Кашмир за Грчку.
The title was awarded to Mrs Mary Soulis-Kafkios of the Director of tourism in Kashmir, Мр Фарук Шах. and by the Managing Director of Culture Nature Expeditions & k. A. рауф. Јули 2009 авард_касхмир
Award for the action and the promotion of toyrismoy in Kashmir

The Group Inc. “SITA WORLD TRAVEL-INBOUND DIVISION» Award to Mrs. Mary Souli titleTourism Ambassador to India”. авард_сита_ворл_травел
Best collaboration award одMinistry of tourism of Shanghai for 2005.
High-pressure sales award од EMIRATES for the years 2003-2004.

High-pressure sales award from the GULF AIR for the year 2004.

1st prize awarded by the National Tourism Organization in China, “BEST TRAVEL AGENT in China in 2005. авард_травел_агент_ин_цхина_маркет_2005
Cooperation Award од EMIRATES for the years 2002-2003.

Support award of tourism of Cuba PHILOXENIA 2003
1st prize awarded by the National Tourism Organization in China, BEST TOUR OPERATOR in China in 2002

Cooperation Award и dedicated cooperation of the group KUTA PARADISO hotel for the years 2000-2001.

Cooperation Award од Group Inc. Хотел “GRAN CARIBE CUBA for the multi-year collaboration.

Prize awarded by the tourist office, VRODOS TOURS-KARDITSAS
to Mr Panagiotis Souli and Lady Mary Souli for multi-year collaboration.
Cooperation Award од Group Inc. hotel businessGAVIOTA for the year 2000

Cooperation Award од Group Inc. Хотел “HOTEL NACIONAL DE CUBA for the year 2000.

Cooperation Award од Group Inc. Хотел “GRAN CARIBE CUBA for the year 2000.

1st Prize award from the travel service Agency in China BEST TOUR OPERATOR in China by the year 2000. award_china_market_2000
1st Prize award од travel service Agency in China BEST TOUR OPERATOR in China in 1999. award_china_market_1999
High-pressure sales award од THAI for the year 1999. award_thai_1999

30 година сада нудимо излете до јединствених дестинација , одмор , релаксација и венчања егзотичних путовања , индивидуални и групни на економским цијенама!