Mary Soulis ‘Ambassador’ of Greek tourism (Travel Times Magazine)
Mary Souli was born in Crete and studied Marine and public relations in England. After the death of the father of the company undertook Cel Tours .
Under the direction of, the company launched new destinations in the Greek market, innovative programs in exotic destinations based on high class hotels and excellent services.
Because of the increased movement of Greeks to Thailand and generally in the Southeast Asia Cel company Tours to ensure better customer service, founded a company based in Bangkok, as well as company based in Phuket Island of Thailand.
The business of directing the travelling public to new destinations in Asia and beyond chwres, such as Argentina, Бразил, Перу, Central America countries. Америка, Caribbean Islands, Куба, Africa, Oceania.
Also offers the traveler long and dream trips with affordable prices compared to services offered.
Range of discrimination for her contribution in the field of tourism has been awarded twice by the national tourism organisation of Thailand in 1996 и 1998 and the wine have been awarded the titles of Honorary Ambassador of tourism of India and of China.
Мери Соули је ожењен и има сина, који студира Бусинесс Манагемент и компјутере. себе, у малом слободно време, која се бави позориштем и биоскоп.
30 година сада нудимо излете до јединствених дестинација , одмор , релаксација и венчања егзотичних путовања , индивидуални и групни на економским цијенама!