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Cel Tours B2B is an online selling platform dedicated to Travel Agents, Outgoing Tour Operators and Online Travel Agents.

By using Cel Tours B2B, travel professionals can search and buy many products simultaneously through a single platform.
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Scheduled and Low Cost Flights

at best rates within Greece, Balkan region as well as worldwide
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Transfers in 7,500 destinations

(Sharing and private basis)at best rates within Greece, Balkan region as well as worldwide
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Car Rental in 30,000 locations

at best rates within Greece, Balkan region as well as worldwide
Tours (Group, FIT, Day tours, Activities)
Tours (Group, FIT, Day tours, Activities)

at best rates within Greece, Balkan region as well as worldwide
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Ferries within Greece and the Mediterranean

at best rates within Greece, Balkan region as well as worldwide