MAIRI SOULI CEL TOURS (Article in magazineEYmaterial culture Magazine)

mme_periodiko_yliko_politisnou_2Who dare seventy 年份 make holidays in the far East? Seemed like magic, distant Earth tale. ASE that all horrified vaccines, distant, exotic animals 航班.

1986 瑪麗 Souli Cel 旅遊 starts far East made paces came near us.
今天, exotic destinations of Asia普吉島, Ko Samui, Lombok, Tsiagk Mai, Bintan filled 希臘語 ntopiolalies.
key to success 瑪麗 Souli was clever combinations of 目的地 accessible for the pocket a Greek tourist. 對於 the first time plans for the far East were oktaimera dekaimera not eikosaimera, three 目的地 per trip. Established direct cooperation 酒店 without intermediaries. Created strong relationships tour operators in the province.
The customer haspossibility choose between three categories of hotels for the same destination. 希臘語 officialsCel 旅遊settled permanently in 亞洲, while forty officials in Athens frequently visit former exotic destinations, so you know exactly what you are selling.
Result: Greeks who don’t ever flew from Thessaloniki 伊拉克利翁 雅典, have anebokatebei 許多 times flights to 泰國, Bali. 新加坡. 馬來西亞, 中國, 印度. We managed the Greeks travel around the world without fearsays proud 瑪麗 Souli. She always has direct knowledge of programs that it sells.
Latin American 目的地, proposal Cel 旅遊 prepared personally for more than four 年份. It tookopinions of customers, infinite personal journeys 墨西哥, 古巴, 危地馬拉, 巴西, 阿根廷, 秘魯, 玻利維亞, rummage in books special forms And not only. As she says,everyday people on the streets, in restaurants, taxis, give better information about their place.
酒店, not limited to those say agents and hoteliers. Catching chatting chef, the cleaners, receptionist. Usually do holidays, when prwtoepiskeptetai 那些國家 intending to include 目的地 Cel 旅遊.
Her friends, on the other hand, always wait anxiously for flavors that will cook, returning long trips. Moreover, family common tailandeziki kitchen for years. If remaining free time, I read travel journals 要么 play boleϊmpol fifteen-year old son. You must also learn how to achieve his goals.

30 多年來,我們現在提供前往目的地的獨特 , 節日 , 放鬆和婚禮異國之旅 , 從個人和經濟的價格組!