MAIRI SOULI CEL TOURS (Article in magazine “EY” material culture Magazine)
Who dare к seventy лет к make holidays in the far East? Seemed like magic, distant Earth tale. ASE that all horrified с в vaccines, в distant, exotic animals рейсы.
1986 Mary Souli Cel Туры starts а также в far East made два paces а также came near us.
Cегодня, в exotic destinations of Asia–Пхукет, Ko Samui, Lombok, Tsiagk Mai, Bintan filled из греческий ntopiolalies.
В key to success of Mary Souli was в clever combinations of направления accessible для the pocket of a Greek tourist. Для the first time в plans for the far East were oktaimera а также dekaimera а также not eikosaimera, с three направления per trip. Established direct cooperation с в отели without intermediaries. Created strong relationships с tour operators in the province.
The customer has в possibility к choose between three categories of hotels для the same destination. греческий officials–Cel Туры–settled permanently in Asia, while forty officials in Athens frequently visit в former exotic destinations, so you know exactly what you are selling.
Result: Greeks who don’t ever flew from Thessaloniki а также Ираклион к Афины, have anebokatebei многие times на flights to Таиланд, Bali. Сингапур. Малайзия, Китай, Индия. –We managed the Greeks к travel around the world without fear–says proud Mary Souli. She always has direct knowledge of programs that it sells.
Latin American направления, в new proposal Cel Туры prepared personally for more than four лет. It took–opinions of customers, infinite personal journeys к Мексика, Куба, Гватемала, Бразилия, Аргентина, Перу, Боливия, rummage in books а также special forms А также not only. As she says,–everyday people on the streets, in restaurants, taxis, give better information about their place.
В отели, not limited to those of say agents and hoteliers. Catching chatting с в chef, the cleaners, в receptionist. Usually do holidays, when prwtoepiskeptetai the countries intending to include направления Cel Туры.
Her friends, on the other hand, always wait anxiously for new flavors that will cook, returning из long trips. Moreover, в family является common в tailandeziki kitchen for years. If в remaining free time, я read travel journals или will play boleϊmpol с в fifteen-year old son. You must also learn how to achieve his goals.
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