12,000 Greeks trust CEL TOURS each year Presentation in TV magazine Zaping
12,000 Greeks trust the CEL TOURS every year to the far East and Latin America
В CEL ЭКСКУРСИИ начал-career–before 17 лет Homer Street offices 8.
The founders of the company studied in England, in distinguished Colleges Marketing а также Public Relations а также originate from the Economic а также Maritime space.
В 1984 he opened the gates of the far East.
THE CEL. ЭКСКУРСИИ have steady traffic to the far East а также в Lats. America more than 12,000 люди.
Has the busiest of all в agencies Греции в ТАЙСКИЙ INTERNATIONAL авиакомпании, SINGAPORE AIRLINES а также ROYAL JORDANIAN к направления in the far East.
It also works to all destinations с в best airlines as в VASP, KLM, LUFTHANSA, KUWAIT AIRWAYS, GULF AIR а также CUBANA AIRWAYS.
Has been awarded by the Prime Minister of Thailand для the quality services offered by а также its contribution to the development of tourism in the country.
A pioneer in the field of travel agencies offering 3 или 4 nights free extra rental to customers wishing к Пхукет, Koh Samui, Chiang Mai, Kuala Lumpur а также Bali.
В CEL ЭКСКУРСИИ discovered а также new exotic destinations such as the islands of MPINTAN а также LOMPOC, CALIFORNIA в Индонезия is a pioneer с в customer service desk в exotic Пхукет к facilitate греческий travelers visiting в area. Established new markets, such as Мексика, Гватемала, Перу, Куба, Боливия, programs that were affordable для a large group of Greek travellers, с the aim of both в benefits of these programmes а также the number of travellers к reach the same уровни as those of Asia.
A characteristic example является Куба.
To achieve this goal, made особый arrangements for competitive Цены с LUFTHANSA авиакомпании а также CUBANA. As regards в provision of services, an affiliate of CEL ЭКСКУРСИИ к this destination was chosen to be в CUBATOURS, the largest travel agency in the country.
В отели that agreed в CEL ЭКСКУРСИИ works является the series а также GRAN MELIA CARIBE.
В future of CEL ЭКСКУРСИИ plot-driven continuous evolution а также improvement of the company aiming к compete successfully в all sectors the largest foreign travel agencies. will continue to hold its first post–on the move–on airlines с который it cooperates … We have the best, most affordable prices in the market, as it has а также will have the greatest demand will increase в already great experience and cooperation с the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America.
you will discover new destinations а также exotic paradises. Will perform in the best way the dreams of the Greeks к travel.
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